About Wild Milk & Honey
A little understanding unlocks so many doors in your heart and can give you the footing you need for almost any path. Your whole body and energetic field is full of information that's hard to see but so useful. What if you could access it and learn about who you are, what's happening in your life, and how you're setting up your energetic future? What if you could heal energy that's holding you back from fulfilling your highest potential and loving your life?
Sometimes, all we need is a clairvoyant guide who can shine a light on what our soul wants us to know and help us change things energetically, so that we can start to wake up excited about the life we're living.
What I do is so much more than a traditional psychic reading. This is sacred work. I've been called to help people cross over, to help heal broken hearts, and to help women who want more than what their careers offer. From stay-at-home-moms to women who work in the government with security clearances, I have had the deep honor to work with incredible women, hearing their stories, and sharing what their spirit wants them to know. This is always an honor, it's an ancient art, and it's deeply intuitive and personal.
Watch as your life changes when you have more understanding about why themes are coming up in your life, who is influencing your space, and how you can change your situation so that it feels better. The goal with all of my readings is to bring you closer to your true happiness.
With love and light,
- Paige