What’s it like for famous people, energetically?
It’s OK to peek into someone’s energy, because it’s already out there to see. Just like… if we want to be in the world, people will see us, our clothes, our faces, and our lives, and it’s the same for our energetic landscape. In fact, we even leave our energy in rooms, homes, hospitals, etc. So even if we’re not physically present, others can read and feel our energy. Energy signatures are just a part of life.
You already know this because, guaranteed, you’ve walked into a room that felt off, or you met someone or saw them across the room and knew instantly that you admired them. Or you fell in love at first sight. And on and on. In that moment, you were reading energy.
Very psychic people can find it challenging to move through the “normal” world when they see and read every single person's energy that they come into contact with, from the barista at their favorite coffee shop, to their coworker to their partner. They have to train themselves not to say anything about their thoughts or lives, because it can seem weird and unsettling to others. It’s a hard lesson sometimes. But reading energy is also useful for navigating the world. If you can know in advance who to trust, where to stay, etc., you’d have an advantage for moving forward in your life, finding good people while traveling, building relationships, businesses, and beyond.
As I was thinking about this, I read some headlines about Pope Francis, who is going through some big health issues, and people were worried about him moving on. This made me wonder about long distance healings (like long distance Reiki) and what his energy looks like.
So, using him as an example (not Taylor Swift, sorry!) let’s look at the energy of a famous person and see what it’s like (Also applies to Taylor, though. So if by "Famous People" you were hoping Taylor, well, it tracks.).
The first thing you might notice with famous people is that, often, they haven’t had energy work done on them before, as most people haven’t. Even very spiritual people like Pope Francis might have stuck energy in his energy channels and chakras. If you do a hands-on energy healing, like Healing Touch on them, you can feel this, and it will feel like a buzzing, static electricity in your hands. This is totally normal but it might be surprising as we often assume that famous people aren’t like everyone else. But they’re only human and people rarely get energy healing done.
Cords (which I always want to spell Chords). As you move through life, you naturally cord with many, many people. You’re naturally and deeply corded to those you love, but you’ll also pick up cords from people walking through the grocery store or interacting with you during your day. These cords allow for an exchange of energy between you, which can be draining. If someone is having a bad day, do you want an open channel between you? And vice versa. Some people have few cords and other people have hundreds. Or… thousands. A pilates instructor might have thousands, Taylor swift has countless cords. And so would Pope Francis.
And think about this: Both Taylor and Pope Francis mean something deeply to certain individuals. Young women identify with Taylor and think of her as a hero. People pray with Pope Francis and believe he’s a channel to God. These are deep connections.
If Pope Francis were to ask me for an energy healing, I would remove all cords that he wants to let go of, to give him some space. I’d suggest the same for Taylor. However, both might feel like they need to stay in service to others and would request that they stay. (Who knows?)
His mother is in his heart.
If you look at famous people, you might be surprised to see that, again, they have very down-to-earth and common traits: they’re human, they had or have families, backgrounds, childhoods, and they might have family members in their energetic spaces. This could be another “oh,” moment of gentle surprise for you. Like, “Oh, your mom, who loves you and has passed on, is in your heart chakra and watching over you.” Even the Pope.
They are processing and holding the weight of the world.
Pope Francis carries the weight of the suffering of his followers. We often have hard times with people and carry their burdens, big and small, to help them. We want to help and we can take on a bit of someone’s energy to lighten the load. This happens, especially, with struggling family members and friends.
If you were to look at Pope Francis’s energy, you might see that he’s carrying the suffering of many other people in his fourth, or heart, chakra.
Ultimately, famous people are just like everyone else though they might be purposefully taking on the energy of others to uplift them, thus carrying and processing way more energy than the regular, not famous, person. I'm talking about famous good people, not negative people--that's a whole other tiny love letter. ;p
I hope that this peek into the energetic landscape of the famous and powerful was interesting to you!
Big hugs to you,