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4 min read
Being Your Dream Self for Halloween
Invite your "dream life," into your reality by playing dress up this Halloween. It's an easy and fun manifestation game that you'll love.

3 min read
Exquisitely Creative & Divine
When I think about what I want with Wild Milk & Honey, it’s to help you bring out your deepest, most creative self OR be in my shoes, in tha

6 min read
Spiritual Visits in Dreams: Real Visits or Dreams?
Photo by Nadin Sh. Last week, in a beautiful little cafe in Portland, a close friend and I were discussing dreams. He has deep and strong...

5 min read
Deepening Your Divine Connection
As I write this, A from Artisan Pianos is tinkering on my beautiful, old piano that I bought for a dollar and a bottle of wine. She’s...

4 min read
Flipping Faults into Benefits at Wild Milk & Honey xo
I was driving down Hawthorne and went past that psychic shop with the big, neon PSYCHIC sign in the window and thought, again, that that...

2 min read
Healing Altars & Creating a Divine Space
Why make altars? They’re beautiful incarnations of your heart. They’re physical ways to direct energy and blend it with the spirit world,...

3 min read
Treating Your Body Like a Sacred Space
Tiny Love Letter about Healing: As you know, I am constantly learning and evolving, and I recently learned an energy technique that was...

3 min read
Sacred Money
When I began giving readings, I wasn’t prepared for the real work being with clients and giving them sacred space. I wasn’t prepared for...

5 min read
The UnPsychic: Funny Notes & Special Moments
Photo by Barbara Olsen What’s it like, being psychic? Well… for me, personally, I don’t walk around reading people’s minds and seeing...

2 min read
Healing is a Symphony, not a Solo... and why I'm not a Medical Medium. xo
I was inspired to write this little note to you by an article I read, about a “medical intuitive,” a very, very famous one, who caused...

3 min read
Are you an out-of-control Manifestor?
We all want to manifest, right? And the truth is, we all manifest constantly, forging this experience of our lives. But are we doing it...

2 min read
Your Dreams Lead the Way to Joy
Today I just want to share with you the importance of dreaming, and how our heart’s dreams are really important powerful signposts that...

4 min read
What kind of psychic am I? I’m a Coincidental Psychic
I’m often asked how I became a psychic, and what that looks like for me. I totally understand why you’re curious: it’s a fun topic and...

5 min read
Connecting with the After Life, 6 Lessons
This Spring I did a deep dive into connecting with loved ones who’ve passed on, and learned some very deep and important things along the...

3 min read
Frida Kahlo and the Art of Life
There’s a splendor and a richness to Frida Kahlo’s life that we all fall in love with. It’s a truth and a ruse. It’s like… the gold paper...

3 min read
Premonitions / What I'm thinking about
Last fall, I had this deep knowingness… like a strong *feeling* that we needed to prep for food shortages. We needed to stock up. There...

4 min read
Taking Care of Your Tender Heart
Valentine’s Day is coming soon; my favorite holiday. Valentine’s Day has always been a treasure to me: the boxes in grade school,...

4 min read
Navigating Your Holidays with Love and Ease
The holidays can be so stressful. The expectations: decorate, make big meals, have family over, entertain, go to bed exhausted. Visit...

2 min read
You Can Recover Because... You Are a Miracle
Hi friends. Something magical has happened: a stump in my backyard has grown a tiny little branch, and on that branch are baby walnut...

2 min read
Healing the Holy
Raising my hands over my friend’s heart, I could feel the familiar tingling, the energy moving and needing to move. I could feel, as I...

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