Recently my family and I headed up to the wilds of near-Canada. Yes, not quite the Canadian side but deep into the dark forest, where the ferns grow higher than humans and the trees try to keep us out of their world, closing in from all sides, pulling their deep branches aside, like curtains or veils, to let us through. And here, along the wet and cold coast, I was reminded of you.

Because I was reminded of creativity, human potential, and what we all want: purpose, satisfaction, happiness.
It was here, along on the coast, that the wonders of humanity shone through as well as some of the worst of humanity or, at least, signs of it. But here I want to focus on the wonders. What happened was that some industrious families and persons of valor took the tangled branches that the ocean coughed up and wove them into beach houses, into club houses, into reverent and sacred spaces.

I felt like I was walking through a Wes Anderson film as I got to explore each structure. Some were dug out on the inside, so that you sat below sea level and became one with the beach. Others had tiny tables, tiny shelves, and woven bowls and trinkets from the ocean. One had, I kid you not, a flag woven out of seaweed, waving to all of us from the ghosts of scouting.
Each structure was unique, each an expression of hard work and joy, and each incredibly beautiful. Gorgeous. Dripping with creativity and human potential for the divine through their creative work.

And honestly, I think that’s when we’re the closest to the Divine. When we’re either in prayer or spiritual work, or creative expression.
I marveled at what humans can make if they let themselves be creative and make at all. I mean, just look at this.

And when you walked inside, you suddenly entered another world because the wind stopped. The air was always rushing, gently or strongly, but when you entered a tiny nest like this, there was sudden stillness, which made it seem as if you’d walked into a holy site. A place of reverence. Watching the waves from inside helped, too. I mean, doesn’t the beach always command some sort of reverence, because the ocean is so powerful, loud, and moving? Literally and metaphorically?

When I think about what I want with Wild Milk & Honey, it’s to help you bring out your deepest, most creative self OR be in my shoes, in that moment, walking among these creative structures in the beach. Or at a living museum, or somehow, somewhere, experiencing your own version of deep creativity and beauty.
That’s what loving today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today means.
It’s why we do energy work together. Because we can remove energy that’s in your way. That’s stopping you from drawing. From taking a job. A flight. A call. From trusting and believing in yourself. Writing a postcard from Paris. From fulfilling your soul’s creative calling. From adoring and decorating your life.
This work is constant and deals with all elements, with all types of people, with waves, ebbs, flows, life events.
After a day of enjoying these beautiful structures, someone went through and toppled them all. And, on a particularly impressive sand castle that my husband and child scooped, poured, and created, they drew symbols of hatred in the sand.
But the ocean (and our hands) can smooth it all out, and we begin again. After that, my son and I wrote LOVE in the sand, up and down the beach and, for some strange reason, those words stayed for the rest of the trip. A light rain didn’t wash them out; the tide didn’t reach them, and many pairs of wandering feet walked by without disturbance.
Life is full of danger, self harm, darkness, and hurt. But it’s also a mess of tangled branches waiting for your hands. It’s perfumes, Chopin, paintings, sunbeams through windows. It’s waiting for you.
Waiting for your divinity to shine through.

So that’s why we work together. Why the psychic readings are so much more than that; they're discovery sessions full of energy healing... So that, hopefully, they'll help you reach that moment where you say, “look at my life. I can’t believe it. I am here. I am happy. I am powerful. I am creative. I am… I am so happy.”
Even if it lasts only a day, an hour, a few minutes… you have, in a deep and important way, arrived.
Let some light through. Let your soul through. Had some fun with yourself.
And enjoyed, deeply, this wild and wonderful life.