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Updated: Sep 12, 2024

plants that look like spiritual beings.
The dance of plants and beauty, representing you and your loved ones.

Recently I did a psychic reading and energy healing for a client, and walked into a bit of a journey about her and her mom, one that might answer some questions for you, about loved ones who seem not to visit us, so I’ll share it here with you.

While reading her energy, I suddenly felt like I was watching her as a child, walking through an old adobe house. On the walls were old Catholic relics, and the house was decorated with dark wood tones against white walls. I watched as the scene took us into a bedroom that clearly belonged to her mother. I could tell because it felt like her. The whole room felt like mom energy. She wasn’t there, but she might as well have been, because her presence was everywhere and we were inside of it.

Walking into a bedroom is a very private thing; you’re walking into someone’s special, sacred space, where their things are, where their bed is, and where their essence lives. It looks like their tastes; it’s the epitome of their “thusness,” as Alan Watts calls it.

This room said and felt like “mom,” all over it.

So I asked her, “Is your mom still here, or did she pass on?”

She passed on.

“Your mom is here,” I said, “and her presence is very, very strong. It’s all around you.”

That is how her mom showed us that she was there. She created a scene that was FULL of her energy in a way that surrounded her daughter.

The client was relieved, and teary, and said that she had wondered why her mother never contacted her.

We often wonder why it seems like our loved ones don’t send signs, visit us in dreams, or appear at the foot of our beds. For many people, this does happen, but not for all, and I think I know the answer. Or an answer.

Sometimes, it’s too painful. And too raw. And our loved ones don’t want to cause us such deep and wounding pain by their presence.

I know this from personal experience. My step dad visited me in a dream after he passed and the pain was so deep and volcanic that I woke up in sobs. I think this was a teaching moment for the both of us.

But here’s the thing… they are there. They are deeply there. Your mother, husband, family member, and friend are all there. If you speak to them, they hear you. They send you their love. They surround you with it. They are there all. the. time.  And they don’t want to hurt you.

I truly believe this is why they don’t appear… and I know and understand that their absence is deafening.

But here’s another thing that I believe, again based on dreams: Sometimes, a part of our hearts, or, our higher selves, is with them.

Our spirits spirits aren’t just here, having this living experience. There is a part of us that’s still connected to the spiritual world, that still exists there, and that travels there in our sleep. We are spiritual beings, and we’re not ONLY alive here. We’re a part of both worlds, in a way. And a part of us is connected to our spiritual origin.

I learned this when I saw my stepdad again in a dream and, this time, my mom, who is very much alive, was with him. And it was again one of those hyper-real, in-your-face, spiritual dreams. When I saw her, I simply knew and understood that part of her was with him still.

That was simply a part of her soul, her spiritual self, there.

If you would like to learn more about connecting with those who’ve passed on, then there’s a lovely book about it by Laura Lynne Jackson called Signs, the Secret Language of the Universe. I love her books and this one was engaging and fun, and might help you explore this aspect of the spiritual world a bit more. I trust and like her work, and think you might, too.

Anyways, all this say that though it can seem like they aren’t here, and it can feel upsetting and like we’re at a loss, they really and truly are. They’re all around us, loving us, surrounding us with love. And sometimes a part of our hearts is also with them.

Big hugs to you,

  • Paige xo


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