My dear friends,
Yesterday, as I write this, I had the beautiful honor of doing an in-depth Rose Reading for a client, which is an incredibly deep reading that looks at two past lives and charts through the seven major chakras, seeing what’s in there for you and what can help you on your journey through life.
One of the main themes that came up for her was wanting a connection to the Divine and to her spiritual guides, and yet feeling disconnected.
Spirituality and wanting a connection to the Divine is part of the human condition. And it’s what makes churches and spiritual leaders so powerful, because they tap into this inherent human need.
But what about the those of us who don’t feel comfortable in those places, but who want to be connected to Divinity as well? Who want a spiritual life? Who want more sacredness of being?
What do you do to cultivate a sacred connection with Divinity? Or, what are some options?
For this client, the answer was to create and identify her own spiritual place, and to name it as special and Divine. To say, “this is my church and this is where I will meet and recognize God's presence,” in a way.
That could be on a spiritual walk in the forest, with the trees around you and the ferns at your feet and the birdsong in the air. Or that could be on a red, velvet couch with a cup of tea and some chocolate. Or that could be a bookstore where you can sit for a moment and be.
Wherever it is, what marks it as different is that you say, “This is our meeting place, Divinity, and this is where I will recognize you and my connection to you.”
Another way to look at it, which came u
p during a different part of her reading, was tea.
If you were to make a tea blend for God, what would you put in it and why?
What herbs would you choose and what would be their meaning?
This is your Divine Tea, and it’s special.
Then you blend and brew your cup, and you have tea time with God.
During that time, you open a conversation, and communicate.
It’s through this communication and intentional decision to be in a sacred way, that you can strengthen your spiritual muscles and feel more connected.
My mentor says that God wants you to talk with her (and my priest says her, which I’m adopting here as well), and the invitation for conversation is always open. So, as you decide what your holy meeting place is, say a simple “hello,” and bring up what’s on your mind.
Then you, too, can exercise that muscle and partake in the religious moment, fulfilling your desire to be connected to the larger universe.
Many people simply call this praying.
And I call it sacred.
And open.
To everyone.
Are you ready for your cup of Divinity Tea?
When I do a tea leaf reading, I always bless my cup and give it a prayer. Then I do an intuitive blend which almost always includes deep red rose petals, plucked from my own roses and dried at home. Then I sit and marvel at the comfort of the tea, the feelings within, and then read the cup.
As you have tea with God, I invite you to open it with a hello to the Divine, a blessing if you want one, and then a moment of quiet solitude, drinking in your nutritious, spiritual drink, and simply being present in the moment.
Write notes if you want, if anything special comes to you, and make time to have this date with God regularly. You might be surprised at how nourishing and wonderful this feels over time. xo