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Hello, my beautiful friends,

Have you ever felt someone looking at you and turned… but no one was there? Or walked into a room and felt like it was almost alive?

What you’re feeling is the energy of other people or ghosts outside of your personal space. But what about those that get entwined in your energy and body?

A personal haunting is a ghost haunting you. So instead of a room, it’s your body and your energy.

Sounds scary, huh? Well, it is and it isn’t.

Some mediums engage in this all the time, and people regularly pick up little beings here and there, and it's not a big deal, really.

How did they get in your space, anyways?

Well, some people, like mediums, invite them in. I don’t do this. I was taught that it can be very jarring to have an entity enter in your body.. and an old friend of my mother’s was a medium and every time it looked like a spirit entered her body, she would jolt and shake until they were “in.”

The issue here is that your body is fine tuned and made for your energy alone. Another person’s energy doesn’t fit with your body well, and there are issues when they “come in.” This is why, I learned, many mediums can develop strange illnesses and get sick over time.

Are there other ways beings can get in your space? Sure!

Some people invite spirits in when they themselves leave their bodies, sometimes due to intoxication from alcohol or drugs.

A great example of this can be found in the book Ordered to Return, written by Goerge G. Ritchie, Jr., MD. He died of the Spanish Flu, then returned to life and tells about his journey in the book. One of the things he sees is drunk patrons at a bar and spirits entering their bodies momentarily, while the people are totally out of it. The spirits are just trying to get a hit of life and addiction again.

And some people run beings all the time, which means they pick up little influences here and they as they move about the world. They’re just very, very open people and that’s how they live. My mentor called it “running other people’s energy,” or “other being’s energy.”

If you’re an empath or if you’re a natural medium, you might know what I’m talking about on a deeper, intuitive level as well.

What about other beings in your space?

You can collect mostly soft beings, I guess I’d call them, simply by living in the world.

This is how I explain it to clients who ask: It can seem like the living world and the spirit world are juxtaposed, moving through each other all the time, and we can pick up beings like barnacles on a ship. Sometimes they just suck our energy and weigh us down, and don’t do much other than that.

Another way you can pick up beings is by placing yourself in compromising places.

For example, I had a client tell me that her friend wanted to organize a ghost-hunting trip, where they try to clear haunted houses. I would not recommend this, for spiritual-safety reasons.

It’s like the path in Beauty and the Beast, where Belle’s dad, who is lost in the woods, sees a beautiful, safe path… and a scary path. As you’re walking through your life and encountering spiritual situations, I recommend that you choose the beautiful, safer path, if you have the choice.

You have to think, before you engage with spiritual places and beings, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Be like Glinda, asking “Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?”

If you go into a bad space, then you can expect to meet the type of company that likes those spaces, and that can be a major pain later on.

How can you recognize a being in your space?

Often, you can tell in dreams. Suddenly, you’re getting weird dreams with a lot of nightmarish imagery, and you can tell that “something” is there…. down that hall, up that attic, wherever.

Or you’re suddenly depressed. Like, driven-over-by-a-truck depressed and it comes seemingly out-of-nowhere. (Of course, I recommend mental health help, always.)

Or, you know, you’re suddenly feeling like a psychic medium but without a say in the matter.

So how do you get rid of these beings, anyways?

There are simple things you can do to shift your energetic landscape on your own.

The first is avoiding scary things. Skip the haunted houses, don’t go down the scary path. Choose better.

I have a friend who loves scary movies--they're her favorite genre. But then again, she's a priest, so she probably has a healthy balance there. If you're not a priest yourself, then maybe reconsider the scary stuff. LOL.

Now, here’s a powerful step: Invite Amusement

Pesky ghosts dislike happiness, mirth, joy, love. So bring it all in. The more, the merrier. Watch funny movies. Listen to Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me, and anything else that makes you laugh. Fill your life, intentionally, with as much joy and beauty as you can. Do this intentionally. Mark it on the calendar and make alarms if you want and need. Sometimes this is hard to do, so that’s why the intention helps. You don’t wait for the feeling of joy but build it into your day.

There’s a great book on this, called Buy Yourself the F*cking Lillies by Tara Schuster. She shows how she slowly incorporates this idea into her life, transforming herself, over time, into someone who can show herself love.

Another great book about personal transformation is The Elephants in My Backyard, a Memoir by Rajiv Surendra. So, so good.

And, of course, you can always go to an energy healer and see if they can help you.

Picking up little beings here and there seems like a natural part of living in the world, and cleaning and clearing your energetic field is great because you can scrape those barnacles off and reclaim your energy

as yours, as it should be.

I hope that this tiny exploration helps to keep you safe and, even better, brings you some of that joy, happiness, mirth and love that you so deserve and desire.

Loving you,

  • Paige

P.S. I signed up for Amazon Affiliates. I don’t know if I’ve been accepted yet, but I recommend so many books to clients in person, here, and on my website that I signed up to see what happens.


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