For this small love letter, I want to share with you the idea of energetically clearing your house, and the beauty and joy of it, with some practical steps that you can take to make a seachange in your space. I’ll also share some surprises that came to me while doing this important work for myself.
I do house clearings, and they are $400 apiece and very in depth. If this is something that interests you, then contact me and we can arrange one!
You can do many things on your own to change the energy that surrounds you every day. That’s why it’s so important; you’re bathing in this energy and you want it good, nourishing, and loving so that it supports you.
Other reasons to clear your house energy:
To get rid of other people’s energy
To get rid of ghosts
To let joy in
To support you
I had a client come to me who opened up about her marriage, which was experiencing a lot of pain. At the same time, they had moved into her “dream house,” that was sold due to a very bad divorce.
When I asked if the house had been energetically cleansed before her family moved in, it was like a light bulb went on for her. It’s good to clean all of that negativity and who-knows-what from prior residents before you move in.
My home is near a park and it has thousands of people looking at it a year now. And that’s no exaggeration–sometimes there are well over a hundred people there in an afternoon alone. So I wanted to add more protection and joy to my home so that it still feels private and safe.
So let’s clear our houses. This is how I did it and maybe these few steps can help guide you, too.
Clean Your House
The first thing I did, and which you should also do if you’d like to try this, is clean the house itself. I put the clutter away and swept, wiped down counters, carried a trash bag around and filled it. This work took me almost two hours. For some rooms, I just set a time limit “I’ll clean this room for 5, 10, 15 minutes,” then got to work and started the timer again as needed.
I couldn’t perfectly clean everything; I didn’t have the time or the capacity, but the house looked and felt much better. So, clear out as much clutter and straighten as much as you can before you begin.
Energetically own and cleanse your house.
I went outside and grounded my house, imagining a golden cord going from the base of my house to the center of the Earth. Then I owned it, saying, firmly, that it is mine.
Add Protection Roses
Put protection roses over your house, under your house, and on all walls. You can just visualize golden roses, full of universal, protecting energy, and visualize placing them around your house.
Acknowledge the Energetic Presence of Your House
When you come into the house, say hello to it, and to the overarching energy that watches over your house. Marie Kondo does this with every house that she cleans, and Machaelle Wright calls this energy the Deva of the house. Essentially it would be the conscious energy of the house itself.
So, walk in and acknowledge it. You can also acknowledge your house every day, as you walk in or leave. I tell my office, almost every time I leave it, that I love it, and I thank it for being there for us. You can do the same.
Go through each room and energetically cleanse it
Then I went through each room and set the energy for each space.
This is similar to how I set my office energetically for each person who comes in for a reading.
This step is somewhat involved there is a simple way to accomplish this, which is to visualize each room being filled with golden, swirling energy/light. Have it cover the walls, the ceiling, the floor, and then fill the room.
Invite Your Angels In
Call upon God’s angels to join you and fill each room. There are specific angels for almost anything, and you can get as specific as you’d like. For example, “Angels who love cooking and working with others, please come into my kitchen.”
When I got to my room, I also asked the Blessed Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael to come in.
Once you’ve gone through each room, you now bring in your tools.
There are holy accouterments that are fun to use for house clearings, and they have an ancient history that feels good to be a part of. I used to think that you didn’t need these tools and that energy work is good enough… and… it is… but when I used the tools I really feel like the task was more sacred and the cleansing more profound.
I used:
Rose Quartz
Black Obsidian
Palo Santo Stick
Sage Stick
I bought my Sage Stick and Palo Santo Stick from the Raven's Wing Magical Coop in Portland, to support a small, local business. It's a sweet shop and fun to visit.
Sage Your House
Light your sage stick and walk it through every room of the house, letting the gentle smoke trail into each room. Sage really cleanses the energetic space. It’s kind of like… spiritual disinfectant.
As I was sageing my bedroom, this strong sense of my husband’s ex-girlfriend hit me out of nowhere. She hadn’t lived in the house for 10 years and I don’t ever think of her, but she had stayed in the room. That blast of her energy, like a sudden memory or sense of her coming out of left field, told me that her energy was still in my room, so I had to do the energy work to get her out of there… which is better for everyone.
Now be careful with the sage stick, as it can smolder and reignite. So, when you’re done, keep it in a dish or in the sink, or wet it and keep it in the sink for a day.
Palo Santo Stick
This is the sanctuary, and lighting this stick now, and walking gently through your house, is what creates the sense of holiness and deep spirituality. It is a truly sacred smoke, and “palo santo” means “holy wood” in Spanish. You will have to reignite it many times, which is OK. Walk it through every room of your house.
Now you’re going to walk through your house and ring a bell, or chimes, or a singing bowl, in every room. This is creating a holy resonance throughout the home. Many religious traditions use bells, chimes, and resonance, and that’s what we’re doing here.
Set your Parameter Around the Home
Now that you’ve fully cleansed the house, it's time to address the outside again.
Take a pocketful of salt and gently drizzle a small amount along the perimeter of the house. In each of the four corners, place some black obsidian and some rose quartz. The black obsidian is a protecting stone and the rose quartz is a loving stone. And the salt is a protection thing.
I think, here, as with all work, that the real spiritual protection here is the intention that you set with each action. So you could use anything that feels like protection to you, as long as the intention is there.
I felt silly doing some of the things in my home and yet my home felt deeply different after the healing. My son’s room, which had always felt a little cold and off, and which he doesn’t love sleeping in, finally felt like a normal, warm, bedroom. I mean, the energetic shift was palpable! It was so odd.
And the harmony in my home has been a wonderful thing. Ordinarily crabby people (myself included on occasion) were more polite and the general, overall harmony of the home as improved.
And the home simply feels better.
I hope that you like this guide and it helps you to energetically clean your own home soon.
Biggest of hugs to you,