Today I just want to share with you the importance of dreaming, and how our heart’s dreams are really important powerful signposts that can give us direction, help us through hard times, and totally chance our lives. I was inspired to write this letter to you after two readings I did recently, for beautiful women who had lost themselves in some ways, which happens to all of us. We become parents and lose ourselves in the routine of daily life and taking care of someone else. We get lost in our jobs and the days roll into one another. We wonder if there’s anything more for us in our lives, or if this is it. We lose touch with excitement and joy. Trust me, I understand completely. Finding my joy has been a life-long journey for me, and is one reason why I do this work: it’s one of the solid river rocks in my life that brings me pure joy. But what about your life, and the rest of it? What if you feel stuck?
This is why it’s so important to listen to our tiny, secret dreams. These dreams, these flickers of life that aren’t even real except as tiny ideas in our imaginations, have the power to completely transform our happiness and our lives. They’re ladders out of our day-to-day lostness, and they’re guiding lights into truly enjoying the opportunity we have here, while we’re living it.
If you’re feeling stuck, write down your dreams. Whether they’re about going on vacation in Venice, starting a florist’s shop, becoming a cake decorator, living on the beach, or owning your own company, the most important thing for you is to start dreaming, to make it more real in your life.
When you write it down and just explore it a little, like looking things up online, making lists, making a little binder to hold ideas, then you’re tending to your own natural spirit and telling yourself that you’re valuable enough for your own attention. Sometimes that’s all we need. We don’t need to completely change our lives; we need to explore our dreams in a safe way and then see what happens. When you start to tend to your dreams, your happiness returns to you and you’ll feel like you have life again. Not only like you can breathe, but like some sort of lost joy has been returned to you and placed into your hand and heart.
So, what’s your dream? What’s the short list and long list? Feel free to reply to this email and let me know! I’d love to share in your dreams and be a witness to the genesis of the complete change of your life in some small and yet profound way, today.
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